Martin Symes
Usually you can find me demostrating my skills at one of the many annual summer shows around the country. This year, however, with the coronavirus all the shows are cancelled and it’s not business as usual. As a luddite I don’t naturally take to the internet to show of my wares but it seems to me to be the only possible way people can still shop for my handmade wooden wares.
Please contact me by telephone, as I don’t have the internet at home, and we can discuss what you want to buy. I have a printed copy of the website in front of me ( I know how that sounds ) so we can ‘browse’ together to either find the product you want or we can discuss a more bespoke commission like a horse drawn cart, gypsy caravan or a custom made barrow.
Articles and Features
As one of the few remaining wheelwrights in the country I have been written about in a few publications and featured in the newspaper many times. There is an article on this page from Grid magazine which you can read.
Appointments Only
Please telephone me to make an appointment. I run an active workshop so please only visit by appointment. Any timewatsers and cold callers will be met with an abrupt response.